Things I Love
Below you will find...
a list of organizations and companies that are near and dear to my heart. I love to share the things I love!

Using toxic free, clean beauty products is super important to me! I've seen first hand the damage that can be caused when toxins and heavy metals enter our bodies - and our skin is our largest organ! That's why I LOVE Beautycounter! Beautycounter creates products that are free of 2,800 chemicals found on their "Never List" yet all the makeup is beautiful and the skin care products actually work! Shop my affiliate link below!
Life Wave
I'm very excited about this new company I just discovered that makes [non medicated] patches and phototherapy to aid in all kinds of issues like sleep, pain, energy and more! The minute a Silent Night patch on my middle schooler helped him {and consequently all of us} off to sleep, I was SOLD on these patches! I've learned these patches trap our body's infrared heat and change the wavelengths we emit resulting in all kinds of health benefits! I'm here for that! Shop my site below!
D Group
This discipleship group is the "Cross Fit for Bible Study." These groups meet weekly across the world in homes and churches and they delve deeper into the Word. I just joined a D Group in 2019 for the first time ever and it really took me out of my comfort zone, but in a GOOD way! Each meeting is set up the same way with a time for confession and prayer with your assigned prayer partner, Scripture reciting from that week's memory work, a short video from Tara-Leigh Cobble (the same person who created The Bible Recap) and then a discussion time over that week's homework/study. These groups run in six week sessions, so you could find a group near you and join in the beginning of the next session. D Groups meet on six continents and each and every group works on the exact same curriculum each week. I lead my local D Group so if you're near me, come join us! It will change your whole life!
Milestone Birthday Photos
When I turned 40 in 2022, I wanted to do something fun and memorable to celebrate my milestone birthday moment. I purchased a giant, fluffy tutu, a crown and a sash and booked a photo shoot with Alyssa Bell Photography. The day of my birthday I got dressed up, googled "How to Create a Smokey Eye" make-up tutorial, hair sprayed my big Texas hair and slipped on a pair of red high heels feeling like the birthday diva I was. I strutted across train tracks carrying a huge, black 4-0 balloons and let the photographer work her magic. It was such a fun way to spend my birthday! Highly recommend this!
The Bible Recap
The Bible Recap is a daily podcast created by Tara-Leigh Cobble. This daily podcast offers a 5-8 minute summary of the chronological Bible reading plan from the FREE Bible App. Simply search the Bible App for the reading plan called, "The Bible Recap with Tara-Leigh Cobble" and start reading today! In 2019 I completed my first trip through the entire Bible and I'm on trip TWO in 2020 and I am loving it just as much the second time around! Click the link below to get details on how to get started today!
As a busy mom with six kids at home, it is nearly impossible for me to get to the grocery store! All my kids don't even fit into one vehicle anymore - we require a fleet of vans to fit all six kiddos. Plus, taking twin toddlers into a store is about as exciting as you can imagine. Enter: INSTACART. This service has changed my life! For a yearly membership fee, I am able to order groceries via my phone or laptop and have them delivered to my door in less than an hour! There are lots of stores available on Instacart from Aldi to Costco, Sprouts to Sam's, Target, PetSmart and more! This was a no brainer for me and the hectic life I'm living right now! If you've not tried it yet and want to shave some hours off your busy week, check it out with this link for $10 off your order! You can thank me later.
Buckner Foster Care & Adoption
Buckner has been around since 1884! They have many areas of service, but the one closest to my heart is Foster Care and Adoption. We have been licensed Foster to Adopt Parents with Buckner since 2018 and in 2019 we adopted our daughter out of the foster care system. If you have ever had the SLIGHTEST interest in fostering or adopting, I cannot encourage you enough to at least look Buckner up and go to an informational meeting. We became licensed initially to provide foster respite care, doing short term placements for two weeks or less to give foster families a break, but our license allowed us to take a full time placement as well. Even if you don't want to foster, still look into Buckner and the other ways you can serve and support those foster parents on the front lines.
Dream Big Workshops & Onsite
Bob Goff is an author, speaker, lawyer, and a dreamer. His Dream Big Framework I attended in the fall of 2018 at Onsite was one of the highlights of my adulthood. If you have a big dream that you don't know the next steps to take for getting it off the ground, or you're just not sure what your big dream is, then the Dream Big Framework is just what the doctor ordered!
Onsite is a therapeutic retreat center in the beautiful country side of Tennessee. The staff and workshops Onsite presented during this collaboration with the Dream Big team were phenomenal! The facilities at Onsite are unbelievable and the care and compassion that every person there possesses is something I have never encountered. If you ever have the opportunity to go to Onsite or a Dream Big Workshop, or better yet, a Dream Big Workshop AT Onsite, do it!! You will never, ever regret it and it will be worth every single penny, I promise you that!