Launching and Lawyers
By Johnna Hensley |
When I was 17, I worked at a local restaurant in my home town. I was a twirler and I was in band and every day I had practice after school and then work, and then all the course load for my AP classes I was enrolled in. In the summers, I would take dual…
Read More A Square Peg in a Round Hole
By Johnna Hensley |
I’ve thought a lot lately about how to label what it is I’m passionate about and what it is I do {in all my free time}. I landed on the term “Bridging Gaps.” What type of gaps am I trying to bridge, you may wonder. There are many kinds, but I would say the largest…
Read More 19 Years and Counting
By Johnna Hensley |
This week my husband, Ryan, and I celebrate 19 years of wedded bliss [read: chaos]. I always thought “old” people were so dramatic when they would say “time flies” but now as a fellow “old” person I realize they were not lying! Time has flown by for us, certainly (I think the million kids and…
Read More And a Happy New Year…
By Johnna Hensley |
We’re already a full week into the new year – how’s 2024 treating you so far? Time flies right on by with no concern for our readiness, doesn’t it? I will admit making it through the busy holiday season as a mom of six was quite a feat. My workshop was busy with scribbling on…
Read More What’s For Dinner?
By Johnna Hensley |
As a mother of six, if I had a dollar for every time I’ve been asked, “What’s for dinner?” I could gift each of you reading this with your own personal chef. How are kids always “starving”?! And shouldn’t a Costco membership just come home with you from the hospital maternity ward or the courtroom…
Read More Welcome to the Blog