Launching and Lawyers
By Johnna Hensley |
When I was 17, I worked at a local restaurant in my home town. I was a twirler and I was in band and every day I had practice after school and then work, and then all the course load for my AP classes I was enrolled in. In the summers, I would take dual…
Read More 19 Years and Counting
By Johnna Hensley |
This week my husband, Ryan, and I celebrate 19 years of wedded bliss [read: chaos]. I always thought “old” people were so dramatic when they would say “time flies” but now as a fellow “old” person I realize they were not lying! Time has flown by for us, certainly (I think the million kids and…
Read More A Decade of Lessons for Eternity
By Johnna Hensley |
This is the eve of my youngest bio son’s tenth birthday! Ten years – Double Digits! It’s so strange to think it’s been nearly a full decade since I’ve carried and birthed a child. In some ways it feels like it was just yesterday and in other ways it was a lifetime ago. Ethan was…
Read More Just Over the Hilltop
By Johnna Hensley |
I couldn't help but see all these weeks of hard work and this massive team of professionals who worked so diligently on our home and think only of my home in heaven. It made me remember how right now, literally this minute, Jesus is preparing a place for us!
Read More Welcome to the Blog