the church

A Square Peg in a Round Hole

I’ve thought a lot lately about how to label what it is I’m passionate about and what it is I do {in all my free time}. I landed on the term “Bridging Gaps.” What type of gaps am I trying to bridge, you may wonder. There are many kinds, but I would say the largest…
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Vapor Mist Life

I wonder, though, what would happen if we Christians were this passionate about reminding people that there’s actually an eternal life we should all be worrying about more than this current one we find ourselves in. The Bible tells us like it is - this life is but a vapor. It is a mist, that appears and then is gone.
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Blunt Force Truth

If Jesus is Lord of your life, He's in the driver's seat of your life. He's not in the trunk. He's not in the backseat. He's not in the passenger seat. He's either in the driver's seat, or He's not in the car at all.
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On Guard!

If we sit in America in our air conditioned homes and wonder what lot we've been given that if we cancel our favorite streaming subscription we may persecuted for being part of the cancel culture, then we are SADLY so far from the truth of the gospel that it's frightening.
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Throw the Dang Seed!

We are trying to make sure we're "good soil," yet the thing that makes the soil good is that it's producing a harvest.
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What Are You Even Saying?

See, there's not going to just be a new heaven and a new earth. There will a new body. Which is why I know without a shadow of a doubt that my son will one day never need his wheel chair again.
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They’re Just Forks

Imagine you and a handful of friends are co-hosting a party; maybe a baby shower or a bachelor party. You and the other hosts are at the venue prior to the event starting and you’re setting up. You’ve got the food out on the tables and the cake table is just perfectly so, things are…
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Welcome to the Blog

Johnna Hensley

