Happy Book-day!
By Johnna Hensley |
Reckless Yes is born! It’s quite surreal when a day you never thought would happen is the day you find yourself in. Today is that day for me. The book I’ve dreamed of writing for nearly a decade is out in the world today! I’ve poured my heart, soul, blood, sweat, and tears into this…
Read More Vapor Mist Life
By Johnna Hensley |
I wonder, though, what would happen if we Christians were this passionate about reminding people that there’s actually an eternal life we should all be worrying about more than this current one we find ourselves in. The Bible tells us like it is - this life is but a vapor. It is a mist, that appears and then is gone.
Read More A Paralyzing Gift
By Johnna Hensley |
I get so wrapped up in the day to day of doctor appointments and medical conversations that often times I forget to stop and actually think what these diagnoses might feel like to a "typical" person.
Read More The Old Ball and Chain…
By Johnna Hensley |
And so, I will adjust my posture from one of annoyance, to that of gratefulness.
Read More He Love Me, He Loves Me Not
By Johnna Hensley |
I used to believe that because I was not able to pick all of the circumstances life handed to me, they were second rate circumstances. But now I realize, I do get a choice...
Read More ‘Tis the Season
By Johnna Hensley |
The sting of watching my life as a mom not look the way I had always pictured it, doesn't ever go away. Some days are easier than others and the grief is so faint and so small in my heart that I nearly forget it's there. And other days, it's so big and painful I'm not sure how I will get through it. And that is ok. Grief is a part of this journey.
Read More What Are You Even Saying?
By Johnna Hensley |
See, there's not going to just be a new heaven and a new earth. There will a new body. Which is why I know without a shadow of a doubt that my son will one day never need his wheel chair again.
Read More This _____________ Life
By Johnna Hensley |
But it turns out, though my heart may break at times, and though I may feel alone, I am not alone.
Read More What are you working for today?
By Johnna Hensley |
What are you working for today? - Looking at life through an eternal lens.
Read More Perspective Providers
By Johnna Hensley |
I sit down right now in front of my computer as Hayden sleeps, uncomfortably, with a low grade fever. He has been on his vent all day for extra rest time as well as additional treatments as he battles what, most likely, is a virus. Something you and I would just deal with, take a…
Read More Welcome to the Blog