
I Had an Adoption

Years ago I wrote a blog post addressing what I felt the role of the “church” should be in the pro-life/abortion space. The overall sentiment was if we’re wanting to be the hands and feet of Jesus we should show up for those who are in such turmoil and distress that they would choose an…
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Throw the Dang Seed!

We are trying to make sure we're "good soil," yet the thing that makes the soil good is that it's producing a harvest.
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They’re Just Forks

Imagine you and a handful of friends are co-hosting a party; maybe a baby shower or a bachelor party. You and the other hosts are at the venue prior to the event starting and you’re setting up. You’ve got the food out on the tables and the cake table is just perfectly so, things are…
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Welcome to the Blog

Johnna Hensley

