Easter Memories Old and New
By Johnna Hensley |
Fourteen Easter seasons ago Ryan and I were processing the information that had just been handed down to us from a perinatologist in Austin, Texas informing us that our son had spina bifida. Finding out that something is wrong with your child is completely overwhelming. I’ve said before in that moment, there was really no…
Read More Blunt Force Truth
By Johnna Hensley |
If Jesus is Lord of your life, He's in the driver's seat of your life. He's not in the trunk. He's not in the backseat. He's not in the passenger seat. He's either in the driver's seat, or He's not in the car at all.
Read More On Guard!
By Johnna Hensley |
If we sit in America in our air conditioned homes and wonder what lot we've been given that if we cancel our favorite streaming subscription we may persecuted for being part of the cancel culture, then we are SADLY so far from the truth of the gospel that it's frightening.
Read More That Introvert Swagger…
By Johnna Hensley |
That's all the hours in a week, if you didn't know. All of them. Every. Single. One of them. You hear me, introverts? ALL. All the ones when you want to walk around the house in your sweats and no bra. The ones when you and your husband get in a fight about which one of you said they would pick up some bread. The hours when your kids are off the chain and you're not sure if you should have them or yourself committed.
Read More The Day the Linen Closet Died
By Johnna Hensley |
Learning what you have to let go of helps you realize what you want to hold on to.
Read More Welcome to the Blog